Logo dreyer stiftung




A dam and numerous wells help relieve the shortage of sufficient and clean water.



Farm cooperatives are supported in many ways on their path to economic independence.



Building of schools, free school meals and assistance to gifted pupils are an investment in young people's development.



All projects are accompanied by research, the results of which are incorporated in practical work in the field.

Renewable Energies

Erneuerbare Energien

This new economic sector will create new sources of income, permit electrification and support environmental protection.


poor lonesome

If you'd like further information please don't hesitate to contact us.


Approach and objectives of the Dreyer Foundation

The activities of the dreyer stiftung are aimed at an autonomous and sustainable economic and cultural development of the region. The commune of Dano is an example of an integrated, long-term development showing that the way out of poverty and backwardness is possible by the hands of inhabitants themselves.

The Dreyer Foundation pursues the path of the self-responsible behaviour, particularly in the implementation of agricultural projects. Generally, all cultivation projects are carried out by small family farms. Smallholder production takes place in cooperative organisations in the villages. Parent cooperative associations at the commune level are necessary for:

Purchasing and production of high-quality seeds, fertilisers and pesticides
Grouped sales of products, price formation and protection against speculations

Granting of microcredits for financing and intermediate-term financing

Maintenance and expansion of agricultural infrastructure/ irrigation, cattle breeding, machinery

Training of farmers and further education of trainers to provide and spread the required technical knowledge

Large-scale reclamation of unused state and municipal land as well as its distribution among individual smallholder farmers in accordance with Burkinabe laws